PT. Camar Indah Jaya Perkasa

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ANVIZ C2 Pro – Fingerprint & Card Access Control and Time Attendance Terminal

C2 Pro is a high performance time and attendance terminal aimed to the middle and high-end market. Equipped with highly efficient Dual-Core 1GHz processor, C2 Pro sustains higher performance by finishing the comparison in less than 0.5 seconds. Friendly GUI and 3.5 inches TFT LCD make C2 Pro is easy to use. It support several RFID reader module (HID, ALLEGION or ANVIZ) and RS485, PoE-TCP/IP or WiFi communication for different requirements. Based on Linux operation system, C2 Pro offers SDK and EDK for further customization of the system. It also provides 1 relay for the ringbell and a connecting to the Access Control system. All the above to meet your requirements.


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